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Save the Date(s)!


Two dates are coming up you're going to want to mark down in your calendars as October is just around the corner!

Coming up first, Monday October 3rd @ 7pm will be a zoom meeting all are welcome to pop into. I, with backup knowledge and assistance from my dad, Josh, will be hosting the meeting to go over the basics of our website. I want to introduce you to what our site already has to offer, what I'd like to add, and take any questions or concerns you have about our website. We have so much we want to offer the ladies in our district from all over and are excited to expand what God wants to do in our lives and the lives of other women. This is a kind of meeting you can drop in on for as long as you'd like and interact with me as I take you through our website. Stay tuned for a link to the event!

Our next event coming up through our website is Monday October 17th @ 7pm will be the launch of our online ladies bible study open to women of all ages and walks of life. We will meet weekly for an hour or so over zoom to discuss a book of the Bible or topic to delve deeper into God's desire for our lives and to spend time with other sisters in faith.

Our first bible study will be on the biblical book of Ecclesiastes!

I will be working from the printable short e-journal, which can be found and downloaded here:

Here is an excerpt from our study below to get your feet wet! (source:

"Many of us have lives that are full. We have full bellies, full closets, full calendars, full trashcans, full purses and full email inboxes. But at the end of the day, we are empty. God made us all with a built in desire to find the meaning to life and to spend time on things that are meaningful.

Ecclesiastes 1:8 says:

“All things are full of weariness; a man cannot utter it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.”

Isn’t it interesting that daily we can hop on our computers and click and click and click from thing to thing to thing and always find something intriguing to look at. Then we can flip on the television and do the same. The eye is never satisfied with seeing nor is the ear filled with hearing. We could literally spend all our time entertaining ourselves. We are desperate to fill ourselves up.

I love reading the Little House on the Prairie Series to my children at bedtime. We are currently in book #5. We have spent many hours reading about the sweet Ingalls family. Each night as I read, I sense a tug at my heart. Their lives were so simple and yet they were so happy. The Ingalls family found contentment in the midst of hardship and fearful times. They possessed joy, love, and perseverance and each night they inspire me to remember that it is the simple things that can bring us the greatest joys in life.

While I love all the amazing analogies I could use from Little House on the Prairie as parallels to our lives, I must be honest. This study we are about to embark on, is not so sweet. The straight talk from Ecclesiastes will rock you to the core. We are going to be real here. It is when we are most open with our inner struggles that genuine life change takes place.

And so I am very excited for this 6-week journey we will take together through the book of Ecclesiastes."

I'm very excited to join you ladies! See you soon!



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